Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Lennon is 1 week old! We had our check-up yesterday and all is well. Lennon has exceeded his birth weight in just one week--he's now 7 pounds 2 oz. He's definitely a good eater! His cord has fallen off, making diaper changes, which Lennon is not so crazy about, a lot easier and faster. Adam and I feel so grateful that things are going smoothly and easy for us (sometimes it seems things are a little too easy...but we'll take it!) I am pretty much fully healed and my energy level and emotional state are much higher than I was anticipating!

Adam is handling being back at work as best as he can--he's definitely flying out of school as soon as he can everyday and he has holding priority each night. We've developed a nice routine in the late evening where I feed him, hand him off to Adam and then I go to sleep so Adam gets his special daddy time!

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