Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's a good thing Lennon came a couple days ago, because this is what we're dealing with outside. We're supposed to get up to 20" by tomorrow morning. I think we're at 10" right now. We were supposed to go to the birthing center for our 2-day follow-up this morning and we obviously cancelled it. There's no way we would take our little guy out in this if we didn't have to. The snow is supposed to stop early in the morning, so we're hoping to be able to take him in tomorrow. He's doing great--eating, sleeping and pooping really well (probably the only time in our lives that we will be excited over poopy diapers, but right now it shows us that he's getting enough to eat from me). We've also been blessed by friends and family bringing us meals, which has been great not to worry about that. But for today, I think we have some leftovers and some pantry staples that won't take a lot of time to prepare, because we definitely don't want our friends traveling in weather like this.

Aunt Beka and Uncle JaredLennon loves his daddy


Rebecca said...

I'm so glad y'all are doing well and it sounds like Lennon has such a sweet temperament. Stay warm & snuggled up!


Kim said...

YEAH! How fun! Congratulations! I am very excited for you both. He is very cute!