Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas, Round 1

Adam's parents came over Thanksgiving, which was a really nice visit. Unfortunately, Adam got the stomach flu the day before Thanksgiving, but was feeling better on Thursday when his parents were flying in. However, he then passed it around to the entire family. Thankfully Lennon didn't really get sick--just once little bout for him and then it was over.

Papa and Lennon:
Lennon loves hanging out with his Grandma and Papa, and Adam and I even got to go on a little date, which was long overdue. The visit was nice and laid back--their last night in town was spent doing Christmas, which Lennon loved.

Though you can't totally see his face, he's very excited about the presents:
Clearly concentrating on the present-opening:
Here's a video clip that gives you a glimpse into how meticulous Lennon is with things, including opening presents.

Lennon loves the tools that his Aunt Beka and Uncle Jared got him--he'll go around the house hammering, sawing or using the screwdrivers. It's so fun to see him in imaginative play.Lennon is the only kid that gets this excited about getting clothes--I think he was more excited about the clothes than anything else:
Giving Grandma and Aunt Beka kisses and thank-yous:
Here are some other November photos:
Adam shot this video without Lennon's knowledge...doing dishes will definitely be one of Lennon's chores when he gets older so he's getting his practice in:

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