Tuesday, January 05, 2016


School Night at Lakeside Amusement Park:
We went to Lakeside the beginning of June to support the school and have some fun. We started out in the kiddie section while Tesla warmed up to the rides.
 Lennon humored Tesla by riding some "boring" rides with her!
 Riding a ride similar to the Scrambler, but bigger.  Lennon had a blast...Tesla, riding with Adam, did not.
 The carousel is more her speed!
 Lennon insisted on going on the roller coaster with Adam....a real roller coaster.  I slyly asked Adam if he thought that was a good idea and he said yes, so off they went:
 Look at this thing!! I was super nervous the whole time, but hopeful that he would enjoy himself. 
 I was waiting at the exit for them and I saw a little boy who was trying not to cry, drenched in sweat...needless to say we will be waiting a few more years to do another roller coaster!
 Being silly:

Tesla Turns 3!!
Tesla was so very excited about her Princess birthday party. She helped with as much as she could (and what I would let her see!), including the cake...she got the best part!
We let her open her Princess figurines present the morning of her party because that's what she was going to decorate her cake with!
 Setting up for the party with Princess Canopies:
 And lots of frou-frou pom-poms!
  My 3-year-old posing with her tiara and wand:
 Lennon posing coolness and attitude!
 Cinderella's carriage pinata:
 Slip 'n Slide fun:
 She placed her princesses exactly where she wanted them:
Birthday Ice Cream:
Lennon and Tesla enjoying her new princess castle that she got from Auntie Em & Uncle Jordan:

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